December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month

Happy holidays! With the gift-giving seasons of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, December is the ideal time for Safe Toys and Gifts Month. Created by consumer group Prevent Blindness Texas to encourage thoughtful consideration of the holiday toys and gifts, the group suggests that people should more thoughtfully consider the age and individual skills of the…

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Unitex Celebrates Healthcare Quality Week

National Healthcare Quality and Education Weeks

October 17-22, 2017 Each year, Healthcare Quality Week and National Health Education Week overlap during the third week of October. While National Health Education Week focuses national attention on major health issues and advocates for the important role of health education in promoting public health, Healthcare Quality Week is dedicated to celebrating the contributions professionals…

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summer safety blog

Summer Safety 2017

As Americans hit the peak of summer travel, there are several ways to keep you and your family safe this summer whether you are “vacationing” or “staycationing”.  Here are some ideas to address common summer safety issues brought to by Unitex and the National Safety Council. Beat the Heat Whether you’re working or playing outside…

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